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- Few days ago I got a source version of GEOMVIEW (via anonymous ftp) from
the Center.  I tried to compile it on one of our Irisis, running under IRIX,
op. syst. release 4.0.1, op. sys. version 11150233, machine hardware name IP7
(all quoted after "uname -a"). Unfortunately, I got error messages.  I include
listing of "make -i" : later errors might be related to earlier ones.
  Would you be so kind to  help me with this problem?
  Pawel Peczak
  Tel. ((555) 555-5555, e-mail pkpecza at erenj.bitnet
  Exxon R&E, Annandale, NJ 08801-998.
Listing of "make -i":
	cd makefiles ; make all
	cd tools ; make all
	cd src ; make all
	cd lib ; make all
	cd forms ; make all
	cd camera ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f camstream.o camstream.c
	ln ../camstream.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../include  -c camstream.c
accom: Error: camstream.c, line 152: prototype & actual argument 3 are not of th
           h = HandleAssign(p->poolname, &CamOps, cam);
accom: Error: camstream.c, line 152: prototype parameter 3 type must have all qu
           h = HandleAssign(p->poolname, &CamOps, cam);
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../lib/sgi/libcamera.a camstream.o
/usr/bin/ar: Error: camstream.o cannot open
	: ../../../../lib/sgi/libcamera.a
	cd color ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd geometry ; make all
	cd hpoint3 ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd point3 ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd transform3 ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd transobj ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd gprim ; make all
	cd bbox ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f bboxbound.o bboxbound.c
	ln ../bboxbound.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bboxbound.c
accom: Error: bboxbound.c, line 25: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the
       	return BBoxTransform(GeomCopy(bbox), T);
accom: Error: bboxbound.c, line 25: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qua
       	return BBoxTransform(GeomCopy(bbox), T);
accom: Error: bboxbound.c, line 25: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the
       	return BBoxTransform(GeomCopy(bbox), T);
accom: Error: bboxbound.c, line 25: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qua
       	return BBoxTransform(GeomCopy(bbox), T);
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libbbox.a bboxbound.o
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bboxbound.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libbbox.a
	cd bezier ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f bezcreate.o bezcreate.c
	ln ../bezcreate.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bezcreate.c
../../../../../include/meshflag.h:26: warning: text following #endif violates A
accom: Error: bezcreate.c, line 73: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the
accom: Error: bezcreate.c, line 73: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qua
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f bezload.o bezload.c
	ln ../bezload.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bezload.c
../../../../../include/meshflag.h:26: warning: text following #endif violates A
accom: Error: bezload.c, line 140: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the
       	    ListAppend(bezierlist, geom);
accom: Error: bezload.c, line 140: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qual
       	    ListAppend(bezierlist, geom);
accom: Error: bezload.c, line 143: Pointers are not to the same structure, assig
       						21	, geom, 	0	);
accom: Error: bezload.c, line 143: Left pointer in assignment must have all qual
       						21	, geom, 	0	);
accom: Error: bezload.c, line 148: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the
accom: Error: bezload.c, line 148: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qual
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f bezdraw.o bezdraw.c
	ln ../bezdraw.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bezdraw.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
../../../../../include/meshflag.h:26: warning: text following #endif violates A
accom: Error: bezdraw.c, line 27: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the s
           GeomDraw( bezier->mesh );
accom: Error: bezdraw.c, line 27: prototype parameter 1 type must have all quali
           GeomDraw( bezier->mesh );
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f bezdice.o bezdice.c
	ln ../bezdice.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bezdice.c
../../../../../include/meshflag.h:26: warning: text following #endif violates A
accom: Error: bezdice.c, line 36: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the s
accom: Error: bezdice.c, line 36: prototype parameter 1 type must have all quali
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libbezier.a bezcreate.o bezload.o bezdraw.
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bezcreate.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bezload.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bezdraw.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bezdice.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libbezier.a
	cd geom ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f knownclass.o knownclass.c
	ln ../knownclass.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c knownclass.c
accom: Warning 111: knownclass.c, line 77: undeclared initializer name Bezier
       	{ &Bezier Present,  (GeomClass *(*)())Bezier Methods,  	0  } ,
accom: Error: knownclass.c, line 77: syntax error
       	{ &Bezier Present,  (GeomClass *(*)())Bezier Methods,  	0  } ,
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f geomstream.o geomstream.c
	ln ../geomstream.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c geomstream.c
accom: Error: geomstream.c, line 259: Argument 2 type doesn't match prototype de
       	   g = GeomCCreate(0 , InstMethods(), 	0	);
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libgeom.a knownclass.o geomstream.o
/usr/bin/ar: Error: knownclass.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: geomstream.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libgeom.a
	cd inst ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f instbound.o instbound.c
	ln ../instbound.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c instbound.c
accom: Error: instbound.c, line 38: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of the
accom: Error: instbound.c, line 38: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qua
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f instclass.o instclass.c
	ln ../instclass.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c instclass.c
accom: Error: instclass.c, line 52: Not the same struct/union prototype argument
       	InstClass->export = InstExport;
accom: Warning 196: instclass.c, line 52: function prototypes are not equivalent
       	InstClass->export = InstExport;
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f inststream.o inststream.c
	ln ../inststream.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c inststream.c
accom: Error: inststream.c, line 99: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of th
accom: Error: inststream.c, line 99: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qu
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libinst.a instbound.o instclass.o inststre
/usr/bin/ar: Error: instbound.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: instclass.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: inststream.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libinst.a
	cd lincoln ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd list ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f listcreate.o listcreate.c
	ln ../listcreate.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c listcreate.c
accom: Error: listcreate.c, line 89: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of th
           (_GFILE= "listcreate.c", _GLINE=89,0)?0:_OOGLError (0, "ListAppend: a
accom: Error: listcreate.c, line 89: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qu
           (_GFILE= "listcreate.c", _GLINE=89,0)?0:_OOGLError (0, "ListAppend: a
accom: Error: listcreate.c, line 186: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of t
accom: Error: listcreate.c, line 186: prototype parameter 1 type must have all q
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f listload.o listload.c
	ln ../listload.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c listload.c
accom: Error: listload.c, line 33: prototype & actual argument 2 are not of the
       	        list = (List*)ListAppend( (Geom*)list, new );
accom: Error: listload.c, line 33: prototype parameter 2 type must have all qual
       	        list = (List*)ListAppend( (Geom*)list, new );
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/liblist.a listcreate.o listload.o
/usr/bin/ar: Error: listcreate.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: listload.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/liblist.a
	cd mesh ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f meshload.o meshload.c
	ln ../meshload.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c meshload.c
../meshflag.h:26: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI standard
accom: Error: meshload.c, line 130: prototype parameter 3 type must have all qua
       		    fgetnf(file, 4, &m.umin, 1) < 4 ||
accom: Error: meshload.c, line 130: Argument 3 Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
       		    fgetnf(file, 4, &m.umin, 1) < 4 ||
accom: Error: meshload.c, line 146: prototype parameter 3 type must have all qua
       	        if(fgetnf(file, 4*n, m.p, 1) < 4*n)
accom: Error: meshload.c, line 146: Argument 3 Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
       	        if(fgetnf(file, 4*n, m.p, 1) < 4*n)
accom: Error: meshload.c, line 151: prototype parameter 3 type must have all qua
       	        if(fgetnf(file, 3*n, p3, 1) < 3*n)
accom: Error: meshload.c, line 151: Argument 3 Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
       	        if(fgetnf(file, 3*n, p3, 1) < 3*n)
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libmesh.a meshload.o
/usr/bin/ar: Error: meshload.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libmesh.a
	cd polylist ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd quad ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd stub ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f quad.o quad.c
	ln ../quad.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c quad.c
accom: Error: quad.c, line 13: X Quad { } ,for any X, is illegal function defini
       int Quad Present = 0; GeomClass *Quad Methods() { return StubMethods( "Qu
accom: Error: quad.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing sto
       int Quad Present = 0; GeomClass *Quad Methods() { return StubMethods( "Qu
accom: Error: quad.c, line 13: syntax error
       int Quad Present = 0; GeomClass *Quad Methods() { return StubMethods( "Qu
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f polylist.o polylist.c
	ln ../polylist.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c polylist.c
accom: Error: polylist.c, line 13: X PolyList { } ,for any X, is illegal functio
       int PolyList Present = 0; GeomClass *PolyList Methods() { return StubMeth
accom: Error: polylist.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing
       int PolyList Present = 0; GeomClass *PolyList Methods() { return StubMeth
accom: Error: polylist.c, line 13: syntax error
       int PolyList Present = 0; GeomClass *PolyList Methods() { return StubMeth
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f list.o list.c
	ln ../list.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c list.c
accom: Error: list.c, line 13: X List { } ,for any X, is illegal function defini
       int List Present = 0; GeomClass *List Methods() { return StubMethods( "Li
accom: Error: list.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing sto
       int List Present = 0; GeomClass *List Methods() { return StubMethods( "Li
accom: Error: list.c, line 13: syntax error
       int List Present = 0; GeomClass *List Methods() { return StubMethods( "Li
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f bezier.o bezier.c
	ln ../bezier.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bezier.c
accom: Error: bezier.c, line 13: X Bezier { } ,for any X, is illegal function de
       int Bezier Present = 0; GeomClass *Bezier Methods() { return StubMethods(
accom: Error: bezier.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing s
       int Bezier Present = 0; GeomClass *Bezier Methods() { return StubMethods(
accom: Error: bezier.c, line 13: syntax error
       int Bezier Present = 0; GeomClass *Bezier Methods() { return StubMethods(
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f bezierlist.o bezierlist.c
	ln ../bezierlist.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bezierlist.c
accom: Error: bezierlist.c, line 13: X BezierList { } ,for any X, is illegal fun
       int BezierList Present = 0; GeomClass *BezierList Methods() { return Stub
accom: Error: bezierlist.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missi
       int BezierList Present = 0; GeomClass *BezierList Methods() { return Stub
accom: Error: bezierlist.c, line 13: syntax error
       int BezierList Present = 0; GeomClass *BezierList Methods() { return Stub
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f mesh.o mesh.c
	ln ../mesh.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c mesh.c
accom: Error: mesh.c, line 13: X Mesh { } ,for any X, is illegal function defini
       int Mesh Present = 0; GeomClass *Mesh Methods() { return StubMethods( "Me
accom: Error: mesh.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing sto
       int Mesh Present = 0; GeomClass *Mesh Methods() { return StubMethods( "Me
accom: Error: mesh.c, line 13: syntax error
       int Mesh Present = 0; GeomClass *Mesh Methods() { return StubMethods( "Me
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f lincoln.o lincoln.c
	ln ../lincoln.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c lincoln.c
accom: Error: lincoln.c, line 13: X Lincoln { } ,for any X, is illegal function
       int Lincoln Present = 0; GeomClass *Lincoln Methods() { return StubMethod
accom: Error: lincoln.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing
       int Lincoln Present = 0; GeomClass *Lincoln Methods() { return StubMethod
accom: Error: lincoln.c, line 13: syntax error
       int Lincoln Present = 0; GeomClass *Lincoln Methods() { return StubMethod
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f bbox.o bbox.c
	ln ../bbox.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c bbox.c
accom: Error: bbox.c, line 13: X BBox { } ,for any X, is illegal function defini
       int BBox Present = 0; GeomClass *BBox Methods() { return StubMethods( "BB
accom: Error: bbox.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing sto
       int BBox Present = 0; GeomClass *BBox Methods() { return StubMethods( "BB
accom: Error: bbox.c, line 13: syntax error
       int BBox Present = 0; GeomClass *BBox Methods() { return StubMethods( "BB
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f inst.o inst.c
	ln ../inst.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c inst.c
accom: Error: inst.c, line 13: X Inst { } ,for any X, is illegal function defini
       int Inst Present = 0; GeomClass *Inst Methods() { return StubMethods( "In
accom: Error: inst.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing sto
       int Inst Present = 0; GeomClass *Inst Methods() { return StubMethods( "In
accom: Error: inst.c, line 13: syntax error
       int Inst Present = 0; GeomClass *Inst Methods() { return StubMethods( "In
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f vect.o vect.c
	ln ../vect.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c vect.c
accom: Error: vect.c, line 13: X Vect { } ,for any X, is illegal function defini
       int Vect Present = 0; GeomClass *Vect Methods() { return StubMethods( "Ve
accom: Error: vect.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing sto
       int Vect Present = 0; GeomClass *Vect Methods() { return StubMethods( "Ve
accom: Error: vect.c, line 13: syntax error
       int Vect Present = 0; GeomClass *Vect Methods() { return StubMethods( "Ve
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f tlist.o tlist.c
	ln ../tlist.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c tlist.c
accom: Error: tlist.c, line 13: X Tlist { } ,for any X, is illegal function defi
       int Tlist Present = 0; GeomClass *Tlist Methods() { return StubMethods( "
accom: Error: tlist.c, line 13: Incomplete external data declaration (missing st
       int Tlist Present = 0; GeomClass *Tlist Methods() { return StubMethods( "
accom: Error: tlist.c, line 13: syntax error
       int Tlist Present = 0; GeomClass *Tlist Methods() { return StubMethods( "
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libstub.a quad.o polylist.o list.o bezier.
/usr/bin/ar: Error: quad.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: polylist.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: list.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bezier.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bezierlist.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: mesh.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: lincoln.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: bbox.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: inst.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: vect.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: tlist.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libstub.a
	cd tlist ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f tltransform.o tltransform.c
	ln ../tltransform.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c tltransform.c
accom: Error: tltransform.c, line 19: prototype & actual argument 1 are not of t
       	GeomIter *it = GeomIterate( tlist, 0	 );
accom: Error: tltransform.c, line 19: prototype parameter 1 type must have all q
       	GeomIter *it = GeomIterate( tlist, 0	 );
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libtlist.a tltransform.o
/usr/bin/ar: Error: tltransform.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libtlist.a
	cd vect ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd mg ; make all
	cd common ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f mg.o mg.c
	ln ../mg.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c mg.c
../mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI standard
accom: Error: mg.c, line 618: One declaration for is non-prototype style, one wi
         { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_ctxdelete,	mg_ctxset
accom: Warning 196: mg.c, line 618: function prototypes are not equivalent; func
         { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_ctxdelete,	mg_ctxset
accom: Error: mg.c, line 618: One declaration for is non-prototype style, one wi
         { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_ctxdelete,	mg_ctxset
accom: Warning 196: mg.c, line 618: function prototypes are not equivalent; func
         { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_ctxdelete,	mg_ctxset
accom: Error: mg.c, line 620: One declaration for is non-prototype style, one wi
       struct mgfuncs _mgf = { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_
accom: Warning 196: mg.c, line 620: function prototypes are not equivalent; func
       struct mgfuncs _mgf = { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_
accom: Error: mg.c, line 620: One declaration for is non-prototype style, one wi
       struct mgfuncs _mgf = { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_
accom: Warning 196: mg.c, line 620: function prototypes are not equivalent; func
       struct mgfuncs _mgf = { -1	, mgdevice_NULL, mg_feature, mg_ctxcreate,	mg_
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libmg.a mg.o
/usr/bin/ar: Error: mg.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libmg.a
	cd gl ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f mggl.o mggl.c
	ln ../mggl.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c mggl.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 59: One declaration for is non-prototype style, one w
accom: Warning 196: mggl.c, line 59: function prototypes are not equivalent; fun
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 61: One declaration for is non-prototype style, one w
accom: Warning 196: mggl.c, line 61: function prototypes are not equivalent; fun
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 472: prototype parameter 1 type must have all qualifi
         getorigin( &pos.xmin, &pos.ymin );
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 472: Argument 1 Type Doesn't Match prototype descript
         getorigin( &pos.xmin, &pos.ymin );
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 472: prototype parameter 2 type must have all qualifi
         getorigin( &pos.xmin, &pos.ymin );
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 472: Argument 2 Type Doesn't Match prototype descript
         getorigin( &pos.xmin, &pos.ymin );
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 802: Type mismatch in prototypes,   int  versus   lon
accom: Error: mggl.c, line 802: inconsistent prototypes for function mggl_findct
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f mgglshade.o mgglshade.c
	ln ../mgglshade.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c mgglshade.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: mgglshade.c, line 66: Type mismatch in prototypes,   pointer to st
           	((mgglcontext*)_mgc) ->n3f = (ap->flag & 0x40	) ? mggl_n3fevert : n3
accom: Warning 197: mgglshade.c, line 66: function prototypes are not equivalent
           	((mgglcontext*)_mgc) ->n3f = (ap->flag & 0x40	) ? mggl_n3fevert : n3
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f mggldraw.o mggldraw.c
	ln ../mggldraw.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c mggldraw.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
../../../../../include/polylist.h:31: warning: text following #endif violates A
../../../../../include/polylistP.h:61: warning: text following #endif violates
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 74: prototype parameter   type must have all qual
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 74: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype descr
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 83: prototype parameter   type must have all qual
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 83: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype descr
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 114: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
           if(nc > 0) c4f(c);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 114: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
           if(nc > 0) c4f(c);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 120: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
             if(nc > 0) c4f(c + nc - 1);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 120: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
             if(nc > 0) c4f(c + nc - 1);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 127: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
       	if(nc > 0) c4f(c);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 127: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
       	if(nc > 0) c4f(c);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 133: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
             if(--nc >= 0) c4f(c++);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 133: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
             if(--nc >= 0) c4f(c++);
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 189: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 189: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 200: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
accom: Error: mggldraw.c, line 200: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f mgglmesh.o mgglmesh.c
	ln ../mgglmesh.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c mgglmesh.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: mgglmesh.c, line 202: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
accom: Error: mgglmesh.c, line 202: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
accom: Error: mgglmesh.c, line 248: prototype parameter   type must have all qua
accom: Error: mgglmesh.c, line 248: Argument   Type Doesn't Match prototype desc
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../../lib/sgi/libmg.a mggl.o mgglshade.o mggldraw.o mggl
/usr/bin/ar: Error: mggl.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: mgglshade.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: mggldraw.o cannot open
/usr/bin/ar: Error: mgglmesh.o cannot open
	: ../../../../../lib/sgi/libmg.a
	cd refcomm ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd shade ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd util ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f futil.o futil.c
	ln ../futil.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../include  -c futil.c
accom: Error: futil.c, line 639: Left pointer in assignment must have all qualif
       	f->_ptr = f->_base = str;
accom: Error: futil.c, line 639: Illegal pointer combination:   pointer to unsig
       	f->_ptr = f->_base = str;
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	/usr/bin/ar r ../../../../lib/sgi/liboogl.a error.o futil.o mallocp.o fsa.o fin
/usr/bin/ar: Error: futil.o cannot open
	: ../../../../lib/sgi/liboogl.a
	cd window ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd bin ; make all
	cd geomview ; make all
	cd common ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	rm -f main.o main.c
	ln ../main.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c main.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: main.c, line 139: Argument 1 type doesn't match prototype descript
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f drawer.o drawer.c
	ln ../drawer.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c drawer.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 298: syntax error
         for ( index = ( index==-1 ) ? 0 : ((id=drawer_objok(id, 2 )) >> 2)  ;((
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 833: newline in string or char constant(ANSI 3.1.4)
       	  (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=833,0)?0:_OOGLError (0, "head of the unive
accom: Warning 107: drawer.c, line 834: More characters in character constant th
       	  (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=833,0)?0:_OOGLError (0, "head of the unive
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 989: illegal character: 134 (octal)
       	 "Picked nothing.\n" : "Picked dgeom #%d\n", ((chosen) >> 2) );
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 989: illegal character: 043 (octal)
       	 "Picked nothing.\n" : "Picked dgeom #%d\n", ((chosen) >> 2) );
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 989: illegal character: 134 (octal)
       	 "Picked nothing.\n" : "Picked dgeom #%d\n", ((chosen) >> 2) );
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1149: newline in string or char constant(ANSI 3.1.4
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1149,0)?0:_OOGLError (1,"view array can't
accom: Warning 107: drawer.c, line 1150: More characters in character constant t
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1149,0)?0:_OOGLError (1,"view array can't
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1153: newline in string or char constant(ANSI 3.1.4
         dv = dview[i] = (DView *)OOG_NewE(sizeof(DView),  "can't allocate space
accom: Warning 107: drawer.c, line 1154: More characters in character constant t
         dv = dview[i] = (DView *)OOG_NewE(sizeof(DView),  "can't allocate space
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1491: static function declared and referenced, but
       END OF FILE
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1491: static function declared and referenced, but
       END OF FILE
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	cd gl ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd ../../common/O.sgi; make all
	rm -f main.o main.c
	ln ../main.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c main.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: main.c, line 139: Argument 1 type doesn't match prototype descript
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f drawer.o drawer.c
	ln ../drawer.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c drawer.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 298: syntax error
         for ( index = ( index==-1 ) ? 0 : ((id=drawer_objok(id, 2 )) >> 2)  ;((
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 833: newline in string or char constant(ANSI 3.1.4)
       	  (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=833,0)?0:_OOGLError (0, "head of the unive
accom: Warning 107: drawer.c, line 834: More characters in character constant th
       	  (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=833,0)?0:_OOGLError (0, "head of the unive
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 989: illegal character: 134 (octal)
       	 "Picked nothing.\n" : "Picked dgeom #%d\n", ((chosen) >> 2) );
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 989: illegal character: 043 (octal)
       	 "Picked nothing.\n" : "Picked dgeom #%d\n", ((chosen) >> 2) );
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 989: illegal character: 134 (octal)
       	 "Picked nothing.\n" : "Picked dgeom #%d\n", ((chosen) >> 2) );
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Warning  51: drawer.c, line 1133: illegal character: 134 (octal)
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1133,0)?0:_OOGLError (0,"warning: attempt
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1149: newline in string or char constant(ANSI 3.1.4
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1149,0)?0:_OOGLError (1,"view array can't
accom: Warning 107: drawer.c, line 1150: More characters in character constant t
           (_GFILE= "drawer.c", _GLINE=1149,0)?0:_OOGLError (1,"view array can't
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1153: newline in string or char constant(ANSI 3.1.4
         dv = dview[i] = (DView *)OOG_NewE(sizeof(DView),  "can't allocate space
accom: Warning 107: drawer.c, line 1154: More characters in character constant t
         dv = dview[i] = (DView *)OOG_NewE(sizeof(DView),  "can't allocate space
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1491: static function declared and referenced, but
       END OF FILE
accom: Error: drawer.c, line 1491: static function declared and referenced, but
       END OF FILE
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f glui.o glui.c
	ln ../glui.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c glui.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
	rm -f glevent.o glevent.c
	ln ../glevent.c .
	cc -I.. -g  -I../../../../../include  -c glevent.c
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
../../../../../include/mg.h:171: warning: text following #endif violates ANSI s
accom: Error: glevent.c, line 157: prototype parameter 3 type must have all qual
         GetMousePosition( &event->x, &event->y, &event->t );
accom: Error: glevent.c, line 157: Argument 3 Type Doesn't Match prototype descr
         GetMousePosition( &event->x, &event->y, &event->t );
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f gv geomview ../gv ../geomview || :
	cc -g -o geomview ../../common/O.sgi/main.o  ../../common/O.sgi/drawer.o  ../..
	  glui.o glevent.o glmain.o \
	  -L../../../../../lib/sgi -lmg -lcamera -lwindow  -lgeom -lquad -lpolylist -lv
	  -lforms -lfm_s \
	  -lmalloc -lgl_s -lm -lc_s
Can't open: ../../common/O.sgi/main.o (No such file or directory)
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	ln geomview ..
ln: geomview: No such file or directory.
*** Error code 2 (ignored)
	ln geomview gv
ln: geomview: No such file or directory.
*** Error code 2 (ignored)
	ln gv ..
ln: gv: No such file or directory.
*** Error code 2 (ignored)
	cd 4drotate ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cd Trigrp ; make all
	cd O.sgi ; make all
	cc -o Trigrp -g  -I../../../../include aargtrigrp.o trigrp.o  colormap.o group.
Warning: eucplist: multiply defined
	previous (used) definition from 'aargtrigrp.o';
	new (ignored) definition from 'trigrp.o'
Can't read archive header in: ../../../../lib/sgi/libmg.a (Error 0)
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
	rm -f ../Trigrp
	ln Trigrp ..
ln: Trigrp: No such file or directory.
*** Error code 2 (ignored)
	cd util ; make all
	cd doc ; make all

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