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camera jargon

  • To: software, techstaff
  • Subject: camera jargon
  • From: mbp
  • Date: Sun, 18 Oct 92 23:18:13 CDT

While in CA I visited Pacific Data Images, a well-known animation
company, with my brother who works there.  On their computer system I
found the following list of terms related to camera motions which I
thought might be of interest here.  I think these are more or less
taken from the terminology used by actual camera operators.

    pan			rotate track about up vector at camera (horz)
    tilt		rotate track about right vector at camera (vert)
    spin		rotate track about world y axis at camera (horz)
    roll		rotate up vector about view vector
    orbit_pan		rotate camera about up vector at track  (horz)
    orbit_tilt		rotate camera about right vector at track (vert)
    orbit_spin		rotate camera about world y axis at track  (horz)
    orbit_pan_origin	rotate camera about up vector at origin (horz)
    orbit_tilt_origin	rotate camera about right vector at origin (vert)
    orbit_spin_origin	rotate camera about world y axis at origin (horz)
    dolly_in		translate camera along view vector towards track
    dolly_out		translate camera along view vector away from track
    dolly_inout		translate camera along view vector 
    track_in		translate track along view vector towards camera
    track_out		translate track along view vector away from camera
    track_inout		translate track along view vector 
    zoom_in		decrease view angle 
    zoom_out		increase view angle
    zoom_inout		change view angle
    scroll_horz		translate camera and track horizontally in viewplane
    scroll_vert		translate camera and track vertically in view plane
    scroll_in		translate camera and track along view vector in
    scroll_out		translate camera and track along view vector out
    scroll_inout	ranslate camera and track along view vector
    look_down_x 	move camera so view vector parallel to +x axis
    look_down_y 	move camera so view vector parallel to +y axis
    look_down_z 	move camera so view vector parallel to +z axis
    zoom_box		zoom into area specified with box, push zoom stack
    pop_view       	pop zoom stack
    no_change		used to constrain moves	

NOTE: this is really just the list of methods for their camera object;
the words in the left column are the method names.


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