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transforming geometry

  • Subject: transforming geometry

You could move geometry around in several ways.

If you know just where the origin should go, then you could wrap each
file with a transformation matrix:

	INST transform
		1   0   0   0
		0   1   0   0
		0   0   1   0
		100 100 0   1
		   # Your OFF file here

	This matrix obviously translates (-100, -100, 0) to the origin.

	An alternative might be

		.01  0  0  0
		0   .01 0  0
		0    0 .01 0
		1    1  0  1

	which shrinks by a factor of 100, then applies the same translation.

If you want to actually translate the coordinates, you could
run the "anytooff" program on the file.

Another way:  You could specify the transformation interactively using
the "Transformer" module.  Load the model into geomview, select it,
and try the "Translate" and "Scale" features of transformer.
When you like the result, use geomview's Save panel, and tell it to
save "Geometry [in world]".

> From franklin at ug.cs.dal.ca Fri Jun 10 12:53:30 1994
> Subject: Geomview question...
> From: Steve Franklin <franklin at ug.cs.dal.ca>
> To: slevy at geom
> Date:   Fri, 10 Jun 1994 14:53:04 -0300
> I'm in the unfortunate position that I have several large NOFF files that 
> have an origin that is approximately -100,-100,0
> I'd like to transform them so that it is somewhere around 0,0,0. Is there
> any way to do this? I suppose I can whip together a perl formatter, but I'd
> rather avoid that step if I thought there was something easier? I know that
> shift-mouseclick changes the coordinates of geomview's perspective, but can
> I recalculate the NOFF file with respect to that origin? Eventually we'll be
> feeding this file into another application that wants the heart to be pretty
> much dead-center... Are there any utilities that will recompute the origin
> of an off file? 
>    Steve Franklin
>    franklin at ug.cs.dal.ca
> p.s. we are using the SGI version of Geomview

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