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Re: [Update REQ 5072]: Geomview

 > Re the
 > > "ld.so: call to undefined procedure ___builtin_saveregs ..."
 > Other people have encountered this too, but it doesn't seem to happen for us.
 > Could you tell us more about your environment -- e.g. which version of SunOS,
 > and whether you're using MIT's X or Sun Open Windows, and which version?

   The machine I'm  running on is a Sparc 1 with SunOS Release 4.1.2. As far as
   I can tell the X system is MIT's X Window System X11R5.

 > Re visualizing things in higher dimensions: there's some provision in geomview
 > for viewing higher-dimensional objects by projection into 3-space........
 > Are you effectively studying a scalar field in a higher-dimensional space?

   The answer to the last question is I think so, dependent on whether or not
 I understood the question. The state of the systems I am looking at are described
 by a point in n-dimensional space. A function mapping the state space to one or
 more additional dimensions might define a cost function for these states. What I
 would like to be able to visualize is the shape of the surface defined by this
 function. One idea might be to make a slice (3-D?) through the space. Then sort
 of "drive" through the space by making additional slices, controlling a gradual
 change of projection of the higher dimensional space onto 3 dimensions. To be honest
 I'm hand waving madly here. I don't know much about scientific visualization and
 was hoping other people had worked out how to do it and I could just use their

    Chris Drummond

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